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Urtica dioica (Ortie)

Stinging Nettle known formerly as Urtica dioica, grows as a tall perennial plant with green flowers and lance-shaped leaves with yellow stamens, and is cultivated around the world. The shoots are harvested in spring, often for culinary purposes as a vegetable and for it’s medicinal purposes as a strong tonic. The roots are harvested in the autumn, while the aerial parts of the plant are harvested in the summer.1,2
During the 1st Century AD, the leaves were chopped and used as a bandage for skin wounds, while the juice was used to assist with nosebleeds.  In addition, the leaves of the plant were cooked and mixed with myrrh to assist with stimulating the female menstrual cycle.1
Current clinical research has found the root of nettle to assist with in benign prostate hypertrophy, by relieving urination difficulty through it’s diuretic actions and with removing excess urine waste products. Nettle is known to assist with reducing and slowing bleeding, and is an excellent herb to be used in conditions such as in nosebleeds and heavy menstrual cycles. Due to it’s antiallergenic properties, Nettle can treat allergic and asthma conditions, as well as insect bites and itchy skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. In addition, the leaves can be used to improve breast milk flow and improve anemia.1,3,4 
Les références:
1. Chevallier, Andrew. L'Encyclopédie des plantes médicinales. DK Publishing, 1996. Impression.
2. Williamson, Elizabeth. Newcyclopaedia de Potter des médicaments et préparations botaniques. Limited Potter, 1988. Impression.
3. Hoffman, David. Herboristerie médicale: La science et la pratique de la phytothérapie. Healing Arts Press: 2003. Impression.
4. Bone, Kerry. Le Compendium ultime Herbal: Guide Desktop pour Herbal Prescripteurs. Phytothérapie Press, 2007. Impression.


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